
Mehran, the second graduate student from the lab, successfully defended his thesis and is officially a Ph.D. Congratulations to Dr. Spitmaan!   [August 30, 2021]

Alireza is awarded an NSF CAREER Award for the proposal “Role of Attention in Reward Learning”. [May 1, 2020]

Shiva, the first graduate student from the lab, successfully defended her thesis and is officially a Ph.D. Congratulations to Dr. Farashahi!   [August 13, 2019]

A short excerpt of my interview on NPR commenting on an interesting study on risk preference in monkeys by Chen and Stuphorn.  [September 20, 2018]

We have received an R01 grant from NIH through the CRCNS program (in collaboration with Alicia Izquierdo at UCLA) to uncover neural mechanisms of adaptive learning at the circuit level. Looking forward to an exciting collaboration for the next few years. We will be recruiting graduate students soon.  [September 6, 2018]

Congratulations to Shiva for winning the Marie A. Center 1982 Award for Excellence in Research.  [June 10, 2018]

Congratulations to Mehran for winning the Marie A. Center 1982 Award for Excellence in Teaching.  [June 10 2018]

Shiva’s first paper was accepted in Neuron. Congratulations to Shiva.  [Mar 30, 2017]

We have received funding to support one graduate student for the coming year (2017). The project is focused on computational modeling of attentional processes and their interactions with other cognitive functions. To apply please visit the PBS’s admission page.  Pre-application inquiries are welcome and should be directed to Alireza Soltani.  [September 30, 2016]

Our poster, titled “Contributions of neural adaptation to value-based and perceptual choice,” won the Best Poster Award during the Society for Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting in Berlin.  [September 13, 2016]

We presented two posters at the Society for Neuroeconomics annual meeting in Berlin.  [August 30, 2016]

Congratulations to Katherine Rowe for winning both the Best Neuroscience Honor Thesis Award and the Best Neuroscience Thesis Presentation Award.  [June 11, 2016]

Congratulations to Lauren Harris for winning the Nickerson 1964 Psychology Award.  [June 11, 2016]

Our paper titled “Neural Substrates of Cognitive Biases during Probabilistic Inference” got accepted in Nature Communications.  [March, 23, 2016]

We presented our work titled “Hierarchical selection, reward-dependent metaplasticity, and choice under uncertainty” at the Computational and Systems Neuroscience (CoSyNe) meeting in Salt Lake City.  [March, 1, 2016]